At Joseph Grace Brands, we don't impose a minimum order requirement for wholesale purchases. You can order exactly what you need, from a single item to several dozen. We also offer free shipping on orders of $600 or more, which makes it easier and more affordable to order in bulk.
Yes, we have a drop-ship program for our wine accessories from both the Joseph Grace House Brand as well as Lifetime Brands. When you receive an order from a customer, simply place the order with us and we'll ship the product directly to your customer on your behalf. Orders need to be placed on a credit card. We charge wholesale prices for drop-ship orders and the final price will include shipping charge. Please call us at 888-382-9463 or send an email to for more information about our drop-ship program.
Once you place an order with us, an invoice is automatically generated and sent to your registered email ID. Can't find it in your email? Look in the Promotions or Spam folder. Alternatively, you can view invoices of all your past orders in your customer dashboard by logging into your account here.
Absolutely! We're thrilled to offer samples of our wine accessories to help you make an informed decision about your wholesale drinkware purchase. Simply reach out to us and let us know which products you're interested in, and we'll work with you to provide samples. Call us at 888-382-9463 or email to
Yes, we offer a digital catalog and price list for our wholesale wine accessories. This link will take you to the catalog viewing page and then click on "Click here to view wholesale catalog." Alternatively, you can reach out to us via phone at 888-382-9463 or email to and we'll send the catalog your way.
You bet we will! If you find a lower price on any of our products from a competitor, simply let us know with proof of the listing and we'll match it. Only current pricing on the exact same product will be matched. The price match will not apply to future orders. Let's raise a glass to great deals and even greater wine accessories!
Yes, we offer international shipping for our wholesale wine accessories. Please note that shipping costs and duration may vary depending on your location, so be sure to contact us for more information about our international shipping rates.
Yes, absolutely! For additional support, you can reach us by phone at 888-382-9463 or email to . Our knowledgeable representatives will assist you with every step of the wholesale ordering process, from selecting products to finalizing your order and ensuring prompt delivery.